Best book I have read in a long time. Super succint with hit after hit. Always good to see someone who takes a unique approach to life and is clearly an out the box thinker. Most importantly, the book is genuine and unpretentious.
Key Ideas:
Be clear about who you are and know why you are doing what you are doing. Most people do not know this, and can be influenced by social factors. Don't be that person so you can live a life not wasted.
Be protective. Say no to almost everything and yes to those you feel super excited about.
Silence and being away from noise is the best way to get clarity. This has been echoed many a time by a lot of people I respect, including Warren Buffet!
Next time you feel extremely unmotivated, do the boring mundane things. This will help to move from a state of doing nothing to doing something. This has helped me immmensely up to today.
Procrastination hack: change “and” to “or”. For instance, change "I will go running when it is a sunny day AND I have slept well AND had a good breakfast" to "I will go running when it is a sunny day OR when I have slept well OR when I had a good breakfast".
Making decisions. People usually come to a stage of thinking they are deciding between two options, then weighing the pros and cons. This can create tunnel vision. Happened to me when thinking about some big life choices. Now I see there can be many permutations, and also that nothing is ever final and permanent.
Something obvious to you can be amazing to someone else. Reminds me of Michael Jackson and his hit "Smooth Criminal". It almost did not make it to the album "Bad".
Many more pearls of wisdom, I will add just one last one from the book. The lifestyle of the happiest people are those who have a well-paying job and separately pursue art seriously for love, not money. Find balance.
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