The Book of Joy

Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu

Fun read with two of the greatest spiritual leaders of our time. The key message: Happiness is within us, it is wise to cultivate an inner scorecard rather than seek external validation and outward attainment.

Key Ideas:

Suffering is inevitable. Purpose of life is to find happiness. Where? It is within us, so inner cultivation is key. Materialistic values cannot give us peace of mind - focus on our inner values.

Many of the things that undermine our joy and happiness is created by outselves. Namely, our attitudes, reactions and perspective we bring to situations and our relationships with others is something we can control.

It is everyone's shared responsibility to develop a happier world. To do so, develop kindess and compassion. Too much self-centered thinking is a source of suffering.

Shift focus to helping and showering love on others and the community. I can personally relate to this, and this really means watching the ego via the means of spending more time and focus on others.

Practice meditation to develop mental immunity, though there will still be times when negative thoughts arise. When it does, be kind to ourselves and do not judge ourselves too harshly. I tend to see it as a form of mental exercies. We spend time and money in the gym for our physical health, why not do the same for our mental health?

A healthy mind is a calm mind. Fear and anger are destroyers of a calm mind.

The psychological experience of loneliness is quite different from the physical experience of being alone. We are often alone without feeling lonely and feel lonely when we are not alone, such as being in a crowd of strangers or a party of people we do not know. We can feel joy when we are alone but not when we are lonely.

"Why be unhappy about something if it can be remedied? And what is the use of being unhappy if it cannot be remedied?” Acceptance allows us not to stuggle against the current.

Finally, it pays to not take life too seriously, and sometimes laugh at ourselves! This can bring lightness and brings about ease to others around us.

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